Hands On Atlanta

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Summer Volunteering: 4 Tips for a great sERVICE experience

Summer is one of the best times to get involved and give back to your community. The days are longer, warmer, and volunteers often have a more flexible schedule! Whether you’re a student looking to do community service for the upcoming school year, a parent, or employee, there is something you can do to make a difference!

Here are four tips to make your summer volunteering experience the best:

1. Find a Project: 

Summer is a popular time for going outdoors, volunteering, and more! Whether you’re volunteering individually or with a group, find a cause you are passionate about! You may enjoy food insecurity, education, environmental sustainability, or health + wellness - no matter the cause there are tons of projects to choose from! Start your search on our volunteer portal and find what gives you a spark!

2. Plan Ahead: 

Summer heat in Atlanta can be pretty intense, and it’s crucial for both indoor and outdoor projects to stay protected and hydrated! Be mindful of the times your projects are scheduled and opt for cooler parts of the day if necessary. Wear light, breathable clothing, and sun protection (hat, sunglasses, or sunscreen). Carry a reusable water bottle to rehydrate and take regular breaks as needed. Eat a healthy meal before heading out and bring snacks to keep your energy up. Don't forget to wear comfortable shoes that you don't mind getting dirty, especially if you'll be working in gardens or parks.

3. Be Flexible: 

Summer activities, such as site beautifications and gardening are usually subject to weather conditions. Be prepared to adapt to changes in the schedule or tasks based on the weather forecast, whether it’s rain or excessive heat. Always read your volunteer confirmations for any other information and inclement weather plans. Flexibility is key to ensuring a successful volunteering experience, so keep an open mindset and be willing to aid wherever your help is needed most. 

4. Be Selfish: 

Be selfish? Yes, you read that right. The community gains so much from your service, but so do YOU! Prioritize yourself this summer and make time to focus on what volunteering will give back to you. Looking for purpose, community, friends? Maybe you want to learn a new skill, get in a good workout, explore a new neighborhood or better understand a specific challenge facing Atlanta? Volunteering is your solution. When your time serving is over, don’t forget to take a moment to reflect. Check in with how you feel —> we’re betting you’re going to leave better than you came in.