Hands On Atlanta

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Help Childcare Providers Access Loans/Grants

Quality Care for Children (QCC) is recruiting volunteers to help child care providers access SBA loans/grants that are a part of the federal government’s CARES Act.

Child care is composed primarily of small mom and pop businesses and nonprofits. Like other small businesses, they are at risk of closing and never reopening. When the crisis is over and everyone is ready to return to work, many families may struggle to find care. Many small child care programs will not survive without some help.

There are many excellent child care programs led by incredible individuals who are experts in early education, but have little experience completing loan and grant applications. That’s where you come in!

How you can help:

  • Talk through their choices and help determine if they are eligible to apply

  • Assist them in completing the applications

  • Double-check that everything is correct and they have all the required documentation

  • Reassure them that they are doing everything correctly

They will offer a train-the-trainer session to educate volunteers about the SBA program and prepare you to provide this support. QCC will connect you with a provider in need of assistance and you and the provider can schedule a phone meeting at a mutually agreeable time. Volunteers should expect to dedicate between a half-hour to two hours of phone assistance.

Can you help support our network of child care providers during this uniquely challenging time? Interested parties should contact ariel.santillan@qccga.org for next steps.