Hands On Atlanta

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Meet Jeff Cantin: Nonprofit Legacy Awardee

We’re thrilled to introduce you all to Jeff Cantin. Jeff is a Major at the Atlanta Police Department, as well as a dedicated volunteer, and member of our Civic Leadership Program. After graduating from high school, he started working in public service, doing various events. This summer will make 30 years of his commitment to public service! This year we were honored to celebrate Jeff with our Nonprofit Legacy Award for making a huge impact with our partners.

Read more about Jeff, and his impact in Atlanta below!

Which Nonprofit Organization(s) do you volunteer with?

Police Athletic League and Hands on Atlanta

What impact areas or pressing needs facing Atlanta do you care about most? Why?

Atlanta has many pressing needs, from homeless to working with youths and seniors. It's hard to focus on just one.

How has volunteering impacted your personal/professional life?

Seeing the impact or the results of your work is empowering. I still drive by the Habitat for Humanity houses that I helped to build for a family.

What skills have you honed or what have you learned through your experience as a volunteer?

Communicating with different groups with different views but wanting to work towards the same goal.

Can you share a memorable highlight or moment you've experienced that might motivate others to volunteer?

Returning to the Habitat for Humanity building, it was motivating to meet the family and work side by side with them as they moved into the house. The family's appreciation is motivating, especially after learning about their struggle to get to this point.

Why Atlanta? What do you love about this city and/or tell us a bit about some of your favorite Atlanta things - people, places, things to do, etc.

The Atlanta metro area offers everything from walking the Beltline to climbing Stone Mountain. I love the outdoor activities in the area.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in getting involved with volunteering?

Try different activities until you find something you like. Hands-on Atlanta does give you a wide range of activities to try.

Volunteering in May? Share where, when and if others can join you or how they can get involved.

Now is the time to learn about gardening and working in community greenspaces. The Wylde Center has many openings across the metro.