Meet Rising Leader and AmeriCorps Member Jessika Prayor

Meet one of our amazing AmeriCorps members, Jessika Prayor. She is a graduate student at Walden University Graduate Student, and serves at Drew Charter School. In April, she was awarded a School Legacy Award for her lasting impact and leadership! In addition to AmeriCorps, Jessika is also a volunteer with Hands On Atlanta, and a mentor with Chicktime Conyers!

Learn more about Jessika’s impact in our community!

What impact areas or pressing needs facing Atlanta do you care about most? Why?

Youth empowerment and development hold immense importance for me because I firmly believe that investing in our young people is essential for shaping a brighter future for Atlanta. Children represent the future of our city, and it's imperative that we create environments where they can thrive, discover their talents, and develop the skills necessary to navigate society successfully. Furthermore, I am deeply committed to violence prevention and intervention. When someone experiences a violent act, the consequences extend far beyond the individual victim. The impact ripples through the entire community, causing additional trauma and instability. By prioritizing violence prevention and intervention, we can work towards creating safer communities where everyone feels secure and supported.

Growing up in eastern Atlanta has instilled in me a strong sense of connection to this community. Giving back here is incredibly rewarding, and it’s just the start of the impact I hope to have, both locally and beyond. Atlanta’s dynamic hustle culture and its progressive business landscape inspire me to pursue my dreams. Plus, the city’s rich food culture and array of outdoor activities make it a place I’m proud to call home.
— Jessika Prayor

What do you love most about an organization you volunteer with? Why do you volunteer with them?

What I love most about the organizations I volunteer with is their commitment to making a tangible difference in people's lives. Most of my volunteer efforts are focused on youth empowerment. I find great fulfillment in being the mentor and support system that I wished I had when I was younger.

How has volunteering impacted your personal/professional life?

By engaging in volunteer activities, I've had the chance to develop leadership, communication, and problem-solving abilities.On a personal note, it's given me a real sense of purpose and fulfillment. Connecting with my community in this way has been super rewarding, and it's been amazing to make a positive impact on others' lives. I've also had the pleasure of making lifelong connections with people that add value to my career and share the same values as me.

What skills have you honed or what have you learned through your experience as a volunteer?

Volunteering has played a significant role in my personal growth. It's been instrumental in broadening my cultural awareness, providing me with valuable leadership opportunities, and expanding my professional network. Through these experiences, I've gained insights into different cultures, honed my leadership skills, and established meaningful connections.

Can you share a memorable highlight or moment you've experienced that might motivate others to volunteer?

I've had countless fulfilling experiences through volunteering, making it tough to pick just one. However, a standout moment was during the holiday season when two colleagues and I initiated a drive at our school. We realized that donations from most drives often go outside the school community. So, we decided to redirect the collected items back to the school, ensuring that students in need could access food and toiletries. This initiative not only allowed students to participate in community service but also brought immense joy to families who were genuinely surprised and grateful for the support. Witnessing their smiles, tears of happiness, and heartfelt appreciation made it all incredibly rewarding.

What advice would you give to someone who is interested in getting involved with volunteering?

There are numerous ways to support your community beyond traditional volunteer roles. I recommend beginning with your passions, hobbies, or professional background when exploring opportunities. Once you start volunteering, maintain consistency, actively network, and seize every opportunity for growth and impact.

Are you interested in learning more about a year of service through the Hands On Atlanta AmeriCorps program? Click here to see all the program benefits, what you’ll do and to start your application for the 2024-25 term.