COVID-19 Relief

Make PPE for Health Care Providers


Join Atlanta Beats COVID,  an ad-hoc group of volunteer makers, engineers, fabricators, seamsters, and other Atlanta-area industry experts that are working to provide our hard-working healthcare providers and other vital members of our community with the necessary PPE that they need to stay safe while battling COVID-19 

Atlanta Beats COVID is recruiting the following types of volunteers and donations:

  • Volunteers to Make/Print Face Shields

  • Volunteers to Sew Face Masks and Gowns

  • Volunteers for Cutting and/or Assembly of Face Shields (4 hour shifts available around metro-Atlanta)

  • Drivers for Pick-up and Drop-off Materials and Completed Product  

  • Materials Donation

  • Logistics Support

Check out approved patterns here:   

Support GA Department of Public Health | SERVGA


Be part of a national initiative to assist emergency response and public safety organizations during a disaster with SERVGA – the program that alleviates issues associated with non-certified and spontaneous volunteerism through an innovative pre-credentialing system. 

This is a great volunteer opportunity through the Georgia Department of Public Health with the following objectives:

  • Whether you are a health care provider, an administrative specialist, a retired professional – anyone ready to help in your community – Georgia needs you.            

  • Learn how you can make a difference no matter what your skillset or credentials. Some volunteers provide licensed medical services and administrative support, while others lend their special talents or skills as interpreters, community planners, computer experts and more.

  • Gain career-enhancing experience and, if you’re eligible, stay current with valuable continuing education credits, free training, and sovereign immunity during your service. 

Donate Blood


The American Red Cross says there is a severe blood shortage due to an “unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations” during the outbreak.

As of mid-March, in the Georgia region, 166 blood drives have been canceled, resulting in 7,713 fewer blood donations. Here are a few ways you can help:

DIY Masks for Area Hospitals


SMAH-Atlanta is looking for volunteer makers to donate time, resources, and support for our healthcare workers!

They are recruiting the following types of volunteers and donations:

  • Sewists to Make Masks

  • Kit Distribution Locations for Pick-up and Drop-off

  • Kit Captains to accept material donations and assemble kits for mask makers.

  • Drivers to pick up and drop off donated supplies, kits, and completed masks.

  • Materials Donations

  • Facility Mask Donation Contacts

This movement is protected under Good Samaritan Laws. You are not liable for end use of the masks if you are volunteering to sew, however we recommend you make the best version of the mask you can. Check out their approved patterns here:

Deliver groceries with Concrete Jungle


During the COVID-19 epidemic, the need for food among the elderly and vulnerable is higher than ever. 

Because of the threat of quarantine, grocery store shelves are often going empty which means there’s less excess for food pantries. The threat of quarantine is also facing food pantry clients who are looking for extra food as well.  Some of our partners are even facing closing if they can not get substantial food to support their clients. 

Concrete Jungle has started a grocery delivery service for food pantry clients who are quarantined or who have higher health risks.  Each day we get more calls from clients who need to stay home in order to stay safe.  They’re having a hard time meeting the volume of calls we’re receiving because of the limited supply of our food pantry partners. Can you help us provide food to our neighbors in need who are quarantined?

They’re looking for volunteers to team up with a family to provide groceries for one or more weeks.  This means you would purchase groceries and deliver to the family’s house, with no contact to protect you and the recipients. 

Send Digital Letters to Seniors at A.G. Rhodes


A note from A.G. Rhodes:

Health officials project challenges in the upcoming weeks with increasing COVID-19 cases expected nationwide, and we are taking difficult measures to further minimize risks. We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support, but out of an abundance of caution and to reduce the amount of physical items coming in and out of our building, as well as non-essential personnel coming up to our front door, we request that you NOT send mail, packages or deliveries to the A.G. Rhodes homes at this time. Please understand that we expect this to be a temporary situation, and we will post updates as necessary. Below are ways that you can continue supporting our residents and staff during these trying times. 

One way you can help is by emailing notes, letters and cards of appreciation to residents at A.G. Rhodes. You may mail them to the activities departments of one or all of our three locations listed below, and they will distribute them. 

You can send encouraging pictures, letters and drawings virtually by emailing them to

Foster a Pet


Foster homes provide temporary care for cats, kittens, dogs and puppies in their own homes, perfect for those who want to volunteer but may not be able to make it to the shelter regularly.

Some animals need as little as two weeks of care, while others may need care for up to three months. Fostering is flexible enough for most lifestyles, and we will do our best to custom-match the animals to each foster home. By offering your time, energy and home to an animal in need, you prepare the animal for adoption into a permanent home as well as help prevent overcrowding in our shelter.