By participating in a Hands On Atlanta volunteer activation or event, you agree to the following liability waiver and photo release.


In connection with my voluntary involvement in activities undertaken for, and with the participation and support of Hands On Atlanta, non-profit charitable organizations, I hereby agree, for myself, my heirs, assigns, executors and administrators to release and discharge Hands On Atlanta and any partnering agency or school, its officers and directors, employees, agents and volunteers from all claims, demands and actions for injuries sustained to my person and/or property as a result of my involvement in such activities, whether or not resulting from negligence, and I agree to release and hold Hands On Atlanta, and any partnering agency or school, its officers and directors, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from any cause or action, claim or suit arising therewith. I hereby attest that attendance and involvement in such activities is voluntary, that I am participating at my own risk, and that I have read the foregoing terms and conditions of this release.


I give Hands On Atlanta Inc, permission to use my name and image to promote the organization and volunteerism in all forms of media, including its publications, website, and advertising and promotional materials. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product.